A due passi dalla storica e incantevole Venezia, questo angolo di terra si rivela come un santuario di autentica connessione con le radici più profonde della tradizione rurale italiana.

Educational Farm

In the green heart of Italy, where the placid waters of the Sile River sinuously shape the landscape, there lies a place where history, culture, and agriculture merge into a harmonious blend. Just steps from historic and enchanting Venice, this corner of land reveals itself as a sanctuary of authentic connection with the deepest roots of Italian rural tradition.

The journey in this earthly refuge begins among paths that wind through a garden where Medicinal Plants, guardians of ancient wisdom, thrive under the Italian sky. This space is a true natural laboratory, where biodiversity and herbalism meet, offering guests a direct immersion into the botanical culture that has deep roots in centuries of history.

Beyond the garden, the Brolo of ancient varieties emerges as a living library of biodiversity. Here, fruit varieties that have accompanied the lives of farmers through the centuries are the focus of care and preservation. In this place, fruit growing becomes a bridge to the past, a gustatory exploration that directly connects to the Italian agricultural heritage, offering a unique and culturally rich sensory experience.

The path then leads to the Vineyard, where Italian winemaking tradition finds one of its most beautiful expressions. These vineyards, wrapped in the clean air that flows from the Sile, are the beating heart of a sustainable viticulture that values native and resistant grape varieties, a testament to the richness and diversity of the Italian agricultural landscape.

The Country Hedge, which borders this space of life and learning, serves as a witness to the agricultural history of the territory. Every plant, every tree cultivated here is a living narrative of the local ecosystem, providing refuge and nourishment to wildlife and teaching the importance of biodiversity conservation. This green space is a tangible example of how environmentally respectful agricultural practices can coexist in perfect harmony with the natural landscape.

This corner of Italy, a few kilometers from magical Venice, is an invitation to discover the richness of the land, to learn directly from nature, and to reflect on the importance of sustainable and respectful agricultural practices. It is a place where tradition meets innovation, providing insights for a future in which agriculture continues to be a pillar of culture, economy, and environmental sustainability.

In this context, a unique experience awaits anyone who wishes to approach the simple yet profound truths of rural life, rediscovering the authenticity of an Italy that, between its countryside and rivers, continues to tell stories of land, water, and sky.

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